Monday 10 October 2016

ZIMBRA : Import Mail accounts from CSV file with ZMPROV in a Shell Bash Script.

There few things to change in the script. Depending of you CSV file.

In the picture above I have 4 columns in my CSV file. So in the script shell you must
identified the number of each colomns you need in your script.

So see the script below :


while read LINE; do
 email=$(echo $LINE | awk -F ";" '{print $4}')
 fn=$(echo $LINE | awk -F ";" '{print $2}')
 ln=$(echo $LINE | awk -F ";" '{print $3}')

 echo -e "Importing All Accounts in  Zimbra .... $email\n"
 CMD=$(zmprov createAccount $email password displayName "${fn} ${ln}" givenName "${fn}" sn "${ln}")
 echo -e "Done !\n"

 echo "Modifying $email password…";
 CMD1=$(zmprov sp $email changeme1)

 CMD2=$(zmprov ma $email zimbraPasswordMustChange TRUE)
 echo -e "Modifying password is OK !\n";

done < /tmp/scripts/UserAccounts.csv

 echo "............... ALL OPERATIONS DONE ! ................"

If you have questions please feel free to ask !


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