Today I'm going to show you how to do a litle script with VMWARE PowerCli.
The script Below is written in PowerShell and will show you are to generate a report about Virtual Machines , IPaddress and Datastore space from your VCenter Server.
1)First you must install PowerCli (You must have a VMware account):
2) .You must desable the restriction in PowerCli Shell to execute scripts:
The value for Get-ExecutionPolicy is RemoteSigned. This value must be set to Unrestricted
4)Now we are going to put this script into windows Task scheduler
Launch Windows Task Scheduler :
In Action tab, give the path of Powershell cli:
In argument field put:
Or if you want th whole syntax:
The launchReport.ps1 file will contain:
This will generate an CSV file called "ReportVsphere.txt".
5)Now you can open this file with Excel and do what you want to finalize your Report!
The script Below is written in PowerShell and will show you are to generate a report about Virtual Machines , IPaddress and Datastore space from your VCenter Server.
1)First you must install PowerCli (You must have a VMware account):
2) .You must desable the restriction in PowerCli Shell to execute scripts:
The value for Get-ExecutionPolicy is RemoteSigned. This value must be set to Unrestricted
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted3)Create a "ScriptVM" file with ".ps1" extension, and add the following lines:
# =========================================================================== # NAME: ScriptVM.ps1 # AUTHOR: Lucky Chris ATTOH-TOURE # DATE : 2013.09.13 # COMMENT: Get VMs, DataStore, IP Address and Space # REQUIRES: VMware PowerCLI # =========================================================================== #Prendre toutes les Vms $vm = Get-VM * #Créer un tableau d'objets $objects = @() #Pour Chaque VM donner le nom, le DataStore l'espace occupé et l'espace libre foreach ($vm.Name in $vm) { $dataS = Get-DataStore -VM $vm.Name foreach ($dataS.Name in $dataS) { $vm.Name | Select IPAddress $row = New-Object PSObject -Property @{"NomVM"=$vm.Name; "IPAddress"=$vm.Guest.IPAddress[0]; "Datastore"=$dataS.Name; "FreeSpaceGB"=$dataS.FreeSpaceGB; "CapacityGB"=$dataS.CapacityGB} $objects += $row } #Compte le nombre de VMs $count = $count+1 } #Affichage du nombre de machine virtuelle Write-Host "Nous avons au total: " $count " Machines Virtuelles" Write-Host "" #Affichage du tableau Report VM $objects | select-Object NomVM,IPAddress,Datastore,FreeSpaceGB,CapacityGB |Export-Csv "C:\test\ReportVsphere.txt" -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture
4)Now we are going to put this script into windows Task scheduler
Launch Windows Task Scheduler :
In Action tab, give the path of Powershell cli:
C:\WINDOWS\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe (For me on Windows 7)
In argument field put:
"& 'C:\test\launchReport.ps1'"
Or if you want th whole syntax:
C:\WINDOWS\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe "& 'C:\test\launchReport.ps1'"
The launchReport.ps1 file will contain:
This will generate an CSV file called "ReportVsphere.txt".
5)Now you can open this file with Excel and do what you want to finalize your Report!
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